
October 17: Neighbors Plant Natives in Springbrook Park

A great effort by two dozen neighbors in Springbrook Park the morning of Saturday, October 17.  In two hours, 250 native plants went into the ground along a stream bed where invasive ivy had been killed off earlier.

These plants are part of a long-term effort to replant our 52 acre natural area with native plants and trees.

Thank you neighbors!


LOHS Track Teams Pull Ivy and Repair Trails August 27

Kudos to the 70+ Lake Oswego High School students who spent time in Springbrook Park this past Thursday.  As part of their regular Cross Country practice, they split their time between training and hauling gravel to repair a quarter mile of trail or pulled invasive Ivy along stream corridors. The results are better and safer trails that will stand up to the coming rains while the Ivy pulling is part of a longer term effort for watershed improvement of the two streams that start in the Park.

Also, a special thanks to coaches Eric Lider and Liz Howells for managing the energy and work of the student volunteers.

Photos courtesy of Paul Lyons.

Thank you May 3 Volunteers!

Thanks to the 15 volunteers who worked hard on Sunday, May 3, to remove blackberry vines and ivy and helped protect the native plants in an area near Nine Bark Trail.